PC MACLAN for Windows NT: PC MACLAN is software that installs on a windows PC and allows peer-to- peer file and print sharing between Windows PCs and Macintoshes. No additional software is needed on the Macintosh because PC MACLAN uses AppleTalk, the protocol that is built into every Mac. PC MACLAN is made up of four main components: I. AppleShare File Client: Windows NT PCs can access Macintosh shared drives on the network through the Network Neighborhood or Windows Explorer. Entire Macintosh drives or volumes can be mapped to network drives on the Windows PC. This feature makes working from a Macintosh drive as simple as working from your local hard drive. II. AppleShare File Server: Windows NT PCs that can be accessed by Macintosh computers can share drives, files and file folders. Macintosh computers access PC files through the familiar Chooser interface. Users and groups are established and assigned Macintosh file sharing privileges. The file server can be used to accept .PS and .PRN files that can then be Auto-Spooled to any AppleTalk printer setup with PC MACLAN. This is the fastest way to get a print job out of your Mac so you can get back to work. III. AppleTalk Print Client: Windows NT PCs can see and print to any AppleTalk print device on the network through the Network Neighborhood or Windows Explorer interface. Printers can be added through the Windows Printer Wizard. Windows 95 PCs must have the correct Windows printer driver installed. Most printer drivers are usually included with the Windows NT install CD or are available through the printer manufacturer. The Auto-Spool feature allows the user to setup seperate drop folders for each AppleTalk printer. These folders can be shared allowing any Mac to save .PS or .PRN files that will be sent directly out to the appropriate printer. IV. AppleTalk Print Server: Windows NT PCs can act as a spooler for any available printer for the entire AppleTalk network. The Macintosh computer can access the shared printer through the Chooser if the correct Macintosh driver is installed. The driver should be available through the printer manufacturer. There is also third-party software that allows Macintosh computers to print to non-PostScript PC printers using a PostScript driver. Using a print server will generally release your Mac faster than printing directly to a network printer. System Requirements: Windows NT 4.0 Server or Workstation 586 CPU or higher (recommended) 16MB RAM and 4MB free disk space PC adapter card for Ethernet (must be NDIS 4.0 compliant) Limited technical support is available for the demo. Miramar's Technical Support number is (805) 965-5161. Call Miramar at 1-800-862-2526 for a serial number to upgrade to the full version. Miramar Systems, Inc. 121 Gray Ave., Suite 200 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Phone: (805) 966 2432 Fax: (805) 965 1824 sales@miramarsys.com http://www.miramarsys.com